Tied for favorite character? Tim Drake. We share the name, and have some other stuff in common.
Flash fan in general, too, especially Wally (after Jay). Legion of Super-Heroes, too, and some very random characters like Zatanna and Ragman.
On the Marvel side, I'll take Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, Moon Knight and Captain America, please. Love Spider-Man, but I'm not a webhead. Like the X-Men in theory, and a couple in particular (Nightcrawler, Cable, Beast), but overall, not really my thing.
Favorite writers? Mark Waid on Flash (the first run). Roy Thomas on All-Star Squadron. Scott Snyder on Batman. John Ostrander on Suicide Squad. Gail Simone on Secret Six. Chuck Dixon, Paul Dini, and Jonathan Hickman on absolutely anything.