About me-
I've always wondered if i could find someone like myself and was surprised to find this site. I'm someone who enjoys seeing creativity in use out there in the world and would love to use his own alot more.
Superhero comics are what i grew up on so I will always have a soft spot for those. I will read other genres if the plot sounds good.
I enjoy horror movies, it doesn't always have to be a bloodbath movie for me to like it, just a clever one.
I'm a laid back type of person who would love to meet that nice girl that digs the things I'm into. It would be great to go out and know that we both enjoy the same event.
I think I could say I'm seeking someone who doesn't sweat the small stuff and wouldn't be afraid to get goofy or "geek out" about comics with me.
As big of a superman fan as I am, I will admit that the last movie was didn't meet expectations. I think it would be a dream job for me to write a script to a superman trilogy that would blow people away.